Corona Store: Collision Calculator, math2d, deltaTime

Corona Store: Collision Calculator, math2d, deltaTime

We have a few exciting new plugins available on the Corona Store: Collision calculation made simple, a 2D vector math library, and a module for time-based animations.

Please visit the store to activate plugins, or to submit a plugin yourself.

1. Collision Calculator

By Roaming Gamer
This plugin allows users to generate a calculator ‘object’ that then allows them to easily configure collisions using names instead of numbers.

Check it out on the Corona Store.

2. Math2d

By Roaming Gamer
The math2d plugin provides a set of standard 2d vector math operations, including: addition, subtraction, difference, dot, cross, angle2Vector, vector2Angle, length, squared length, and normalize.

Check it out on the Corona Store.

3. deltatime

By Julian Vidal
deltaTime is a plugin that allows developers to turn regular animations into time-based animations that will play back at the same speed regardless of framerate variations.

Check it out on the Corona Store.

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