Corona Geek #81 – Using applyForce, applyTorque, and HTML5

Corona Geek #81 – Using applyForce, applyTorque, and HTML5

Corona GeekDuring this week’s Corona Geek Hangout we discussed concepts from the Physics API like applyForce and applyTorque. Roaming Gamer’s Ed Maurina stepped us through examples of each concept and explained how they affect game objects. Spiral Code Studio’s Sergey Lerg also walked us through how he ported his Cubic Run LD game code to HTML5 using Corona SDK.

Also mentioned

Thank you for listening to and following Corona Geek:

Charles McKeever
[email protected]

Charles McKeever is a life long computer geek who enjoys exploring technologies to understand how they work, how they can be smashed together, and how they can be used to fuel entrepreneurial endeavors.

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